
Published on by Philippe Norbert

I'm delighted that you have stumbled on my humble home page. I think it would be fair enough to explain a bit about myself. I am a male with quite a few years behind of me. People call me feminine but I think it's just depends on the way you look at things. At best people have both sides and I'm happy to have them!

So what am I doing here.. Well, first and foremost I'm an aesthetic person. And even though I'm a male, I love everything cute. But not everyone knows that cute has many meanings.. So the purpose of these posts is to redefine the definition of.. très mignon!

For those who don't know.. "mignon" means cute in French. But it's more like a casual phrase that's used in many different kinds of everyday situations. At least I do! So I hope you like it.

Merci beaucoup,

Philippe Norbert

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